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Anti-Bobby Flay Ring

Delirium (di lir` iem) n. a condition of the mind, as during insanity, in which one is restless and keeps thinking and talking wildly.
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October 31, 2006

What can you do?

In all seriousness, what can you really do when a police officer lies on an accident report in order to cover up for a person that they are personally acquainted with and have a high degree of bias towards?

(For reference, I already have a lawyer.)

I just want to add a side note to people out there that if you EVER witness an accident, no matter how minor it is, PLEASE at least do the drivers the courtesy of stopping and giving a statement to the officer. The fact that nobody else bothered to take twenty minutes out of their busy lives to stop and give a statement is what is making it so that cop and the woman rightfully and legally at fault have gotten away with this injustice for the past month.

Posted by ladyx at October 31, 2006 03:10 AM

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