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June 08, 2006
We *Are* Still Alive
I was just talking to someone I know about Xanga and the other kiddie blogs. You know the ones, Livejournal, MySpace, etc. Ok, I admit that I have a LJ and I like the communities on LJ. That's not as bad as MySpace and Xanga I guess because most people seem adult. I don't go trolling for young boys on MySpace although if I did I'd probably find a dude my age claiming to be 14 so maybe I should...what was my point?! Oh yes, I remarked that I had a real blog and I didn't need a Xanga and then remembered I hadn't blogged in a LOONG time.
You know, this blog has been going on for five years now. I think we started out strong. There are some funny, quality posts from back then. LadyX and her jeans, Bard and his tangential wit (I still remember "Very Blendershoe Cellular), the Bobby Flay battles...the psychos who have plagued us. I dunno, I think we had the stuff!
Anyway, after five years sitting here begging for some more lovin' like the first year we had it, I think ID deserves to be loved some more. I always have something to complain about. Why not do it here?!
The point, there is none. I'll say I'll start posting again and then forget in a few days and ID will be all alone, but at least I said something. It's been a few months.
Posted by vixen at June 8, 2006 12:58 AM
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I've been too busy finishing up my last classroom year of professional/graduate school to post even when I have something to post about. Now I'm doing the clinical part of it so I'm sure I'll have more time.
I like Blogger. I used it for a bit when it first came out years ago, before I used Greymatter or Movable Type. Blogger is better than the other third party journals, I think, because you can backup your own content and format them so it looks like you programmed the site yourself (at least you could).
Not that my blog designing "skillz" are all that great. I never know what to do with id.com!
Haven't read much of LiveJournal or Xanga. Myspace just gives me a headache.
I like blogger and use it, I'm to lazy to learn html, php etc and make my own blog.
Its very easy to forget to blog, normally I only do it when exceeding wroth with the world, or my small corner of it.