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December 17, 2005
Blogging Wirelessly
Well, here I am at my job where you need a secret pass to access the web but I do have my sidekick, the greatest geek gadget ever made.
You can look up anything anywhere (anywhere there is tmobile service), instant message friends and more...however I've yet to find out how to IRC chat or upload my own ringtones. I'm told it can be done though and if can be done, I will figure it out. Movable type works well though.
Just to show how handy this little device is, I will describe an event today where I used it. Some moron came in and asked if a certain drug would help clean his system out..."if you know what I mean." He asked this to the older pharmacist who didn't. Then he motioned to me and asked and made what I guess is the universal sign for smoking pot...I rolled my eyes and told him I have heard of peope using diuretics for that but that particular drug wouldn't help because it doesn't really do anything to clean out your body...but it does make your skin turn red. He bought it anyway.
After he left I looked it up. What I found out is that morons have read the side effect "flushing" (turning red) as flushing out your system so it's a common urban myth that you can pass a drug test by taking that drug. Idiots.
See, it is handy.
Posted by vixen at 05:13 PM | Comments (0)
December 03, 2005
A Cry For Help...Or Not...
You know, we get waaaaaaay too many spam comments. Whatever happened to the good ol' days where Flayva Fans puked on here with "OOH I <3 TEH FLAY!!!!11"? I miss it *sigh*...
Flay is a poopie-head. C'mon, Flaylites, don't disappoint me. Post something to bore me so I'll sleep at night *begs*.
Posted by ladyx at 05:13 AM | Comments (2)