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December 03, 2005
A Cry For Help...Or Not...
You know, we get waaaaaaay too many spam comments. Whatever happened to the good ol' days where Flayva Fans puked on here with "OOH I <3 TEH FLAY!!!!11"? I miss it *sigh*...
Flay is a poopie-head. C'mon, Flaylites, don't disappoint me. Post something to bore me so I'll sleep at night *begs*.
Posted by ladyx at December 3, 2005 05:13 AM
Due to the proliferation of comment spam, we've had to close comments on this entry. If you would like to leave a comment, please use one of our more recent entries which you can find on the home page.
I think maybe we should start dissing on Rachel Ray too...and Paula Dean, wtf is up with her?
We would get a whole new "fan base." We could even do an "if they mated" based on booby and the bimbo. YUMM-O!