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November 01, 2005
What I Want To Be When I Grow Up
I just realized I've never blogged about what made me decide I wanted to be a doctor (and then later I decided I didn't for unrelated reasons). When I was a kid, along with other ambitions like being a whale trainer, I had dreams of being an epidemiologist and living in Africa tracking my favorite virus. I even wrote about it all the time. Heck, in high school I had to give a presentation on a microbe and I did ebola. Everyone in class had a freaked out look on their face but I went on to say that I wanted to study it, heh. They thought I was a freak.
Yes, while most were dreaming of being actors or models and such, I was dreaming of trekking through the jungle studying a hemorrhagic virus that makes people's intestines liquefy. YAY!
So, ebola is the best virus ever and there are idiots trying to eradicate it. Tsk.
Posted by vixen at November 1, 2005 11:28 PM
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