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Delirium (di lir` iem) n. a condition of the mind, as during insanity, in which one is restless and keeps thinking and talking wildly.
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June 01, 2005

Knight Rider - A Not So Shadowy Flight

Michael, why are humans so stupid?Because I'm both incredibly bored and finished watching my season one and two Knight Rider box sets, I thought I'd post some observations about my favorite 80s show. I watched this show when I was a kid and I think it was probably what turned me on to computers. I always dreamed that one day I'd have a car like KITT! Anyway, here is my list which nobody will want to read but me, woo!

Anyway, this post is getting long and those are the major things I wanted to say. I could write a book on the cheesy piece of TV history I know and love. The later seasons when they get the kid mechanic were very cheesy. I don’t remember much because I haven’t seen them since the time they were aired but I do remember thinking they were bad even when I was 10. I think this is enough for now. When they release seasons 3 and 4 I’ll refresh my memory and maybe review them all again! I know you can’t wait.

Posted by vixen at June 1, 2005 01:58 PM

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