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February 05, 2005
E! A! G! L! E! S! EAGLES!!
Well, the Eagles finally made it to the 'Supe. Rock!
I don't particularly care that most people are picking the Patriots -- they've deserve that much, having won two of the last three superbowls, and, arguably, have faced tougher competition than Philly. But, honestly, it's NOT impossible that the Eagles could win. At the very least, I think it should be a close game.
A few mini-rants I have however:
T.O. is / was only a "distraction" because all the idiots in the media kept asking about him. He's not selfish, he's trying to help the team.
Announcers, Commentators, anybody else: The name is BRIAN WESTBROOK. Not MICHAEL WESTBROOK, the old Redskins' WR who punched Stephen Davis in the face.
Merrill Hoge: Picked against the Eagles all year, claimed they wouldn't even make the playoffs. Then, because fans in Jacksonville were booing him so much that he couldn't film his NFL Live segment, makes the following prediction (paraphrased): "End of first, 21-0 Patriots. End of second, 28-0. End of third, 35-0. End of game, we'll let the Eagles score 10 or so... 45-10 NE." Meh, up yours, concussion boy.
go Eagles.
Posted by bard at February 5, 2005 04:06 PM
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