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December 24, 2004
Let Us Raise a Glass To Martha
While my fellow bloggers might not agree with this (I don't think either care for Martha), I'd like to raise a glass to Martha Stewart this holiday season. I don't particularly care for her style myself and sometimes her show made me gasp in horror, but I don't agree that she should spend the holidays locked up in a prison. If you could get thrown in jail for being a pretentious bitch, well I can think of at least one other person they need to pick up.
So, Martha, here's to you! Thank you for raising the bar for all of us and making us think it's within our means to decorate, entertain and put on a show like the pros. I hope your time in jail flies by. It really is senseless you're there. However I have a feeling that even being there, you're raising the bar for those around you. Cheers!
Posted by vixen at December 24, 2004 01:11 PM
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