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Anti-Bobby Flay Ring

Delirium (di lir` iem) n. a condition of the mind, as during insanity, in which one is restless and keeps thinking and talking wildly.
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November 30, 2004

Bobby Flay

I just got some email from a wanker (for lack of a better term) complaining that some of the posts where we linked other posts to Bobby Flay had broken links (and apparently he's too lazy to use the search engine). He ended the email with, "At least he can keep his restaurants open." He posed as an anti-flay but I think he's really a Flayniac in disguise. Anyway, to satisfy this guy and the countless others who'd like to relive Flay's appearance on Iron Chef (and no, the fact that I'm posting this doesn't turn this into a Bobby Flay blog, you idiot Flay lovers), I'll post a list of our great, humorous Flay rants, found easily by searching for "Flay."

Might I also add that I think the point is moot because the Food Network seems pretty sick of Bobby too. I noticed he was absent from this year's holiday celebration and I don't see his show quite as often as I used to. He also used to be on a lot more commercials than he is today. Thanks Food Network!

Have fun!

Posted by vixen at November 30, 2004 10:57 PM


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