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December 16, 2003
Yep, that's right, FlayvaFlay has abandoned *all* of his fans from "Ask Bobby Flay." He even lied to them. See for yourself:
"Hi Bobby -- will we be able to see the questions that other Flayniacs send in on the new site?? I hope so, otherwise we will miss the daily contact with the rest of the fans!!!"
"No, unfortunately you won't..That capability requires a huge database and costs a ton of money...Who knew?"
So, either he did lie or he's a complete idiot (well, duh *g*), or it may be a combination of both. Either way, tsky tsky, Booby. All of you guys who come here complaining about how mean we are, at least we haven't abandoned you like your hero has.
I betcha Emeril would never do that to his fans...
Posted by ladyx at December 16, 2003 10:42 PM
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I dunno LadyX, this site would be capable of that and it is a HUGE database (about sixty gazillion thousand hundred MBs!) and it costs me like five trillion hundred million thousand zillion dollars a month. Either that or it only cost about $5/yr and has less than 100 MBs...I forget.
I'd be happy to host and program Ask Bobby Flay {g} I should offer Mr. Flay my services as a designer.