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August 06, 2003
So, I managed to destroy
So, I managed to destroy my laptop's hard drive last Friday. How, I don't know. I guess they're just not made for the type of punishment I hand out.
If anybody has actually had a good experience with an IBM Thinkpad, I envy you. The last two I've had have been total ass-pains.
That is all.
Posted by ladyx at August 6, 2003 05:32 PM
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But but but, he knows all about Linux kernels! He's a genius! *cough*
Derek, dear, you might not realize this but all of us here have higher education. Most of us have it in a computing field. Calling any of us "dumb" doesn't phase use. You're way out of your league. You probably don't even know what "higher education" means. Here's a hint, it doesn't mean smoking a joint in your parent's basement and then reading a porno mag.
LOL!! That's funny, HDD's crash all of the time without people even having to do anything to them *g*.
Obviously, you'd know that if you had half a brain, but as you said, you don't need to be smart to sit in front of a computer; you're a fine example of your own theory *g*
ladyx, that's because you are a dumb bitch that shouldn't have access to computers. Unfortunately, these days you don't need to be smart to sit in front of one. What a shame!