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August 19, 2003
MPAA Blames AOL!
First the RIAA blames poor CD sales P2P instead of high CD prices. Now the MPAA is blaming poor movie sales on text messaging instead of bad movies (Read the story).
Have they even seen the movies they are releasing? They are horrible! I wouldn't pay money to see any of them in theaters (haven't see Gigli but I assume it's pretty bad just because J-Lo is in it).
I'm tired of this pass the blame crap from these industries. Makes me feel a lot less guilty about P2P networks. You know, I've seen the MPAA respect copyright site. That site actually made me have more respect for them than the RIAA because at least they were attempting to do something more constructive than lawsuits. Now, I just don't know.
Posted by vixen at August 19, 2003 06:19 PM
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I find it very easy to blame AOL for almost anything *g*