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August 21, 2003
Efnet doesn't allow channel or nick registration so I'm leaning towards dal.net. #monkees is still registered to Eva #monkeechat is now registered to us. You can go ahead and join there until we figure out what do long term!
Here are some dal.net servers in the extended. Take off the "n7=" part and just use spot.hub.dal.net or whatever as your server (in the place you put irc.webmaster.com). That is all for now.
n0=jade.va.us.dal.net (0) Is it better to burn out or fade away?
n1=ninja.hub.dal.net (1) we both like waffles and eachother.
n2=diamond.hub.dal.net (2) Multi faceted
n3=toronto.on.ca.dal.net (3) Toronto, CA HUB Server
n4=skyline-r.hub.dal.net (4) The skys the limit
n5=mesra.kl.my.dal.net (5) Jaring DALnet Client Server
n6=hotspeed.sg.as.dal.net (5) Hotspeed.com.sg Client Server
n7=spanish-inquisition-e.dal.net (4) Nobody expects us
n8=broadway.ny.us.dal.net (4) 42nd Street
n9=gaston.se.eu.dal.net (4) Telenordia HUB Server
n10=valhall.hub.eu.dal.net (5) Si vis pacem, evita bellum
n11=powertech.no.eu.dal.net (6) PowerTech DALnet Server, Oslo, Norway
n12=spot.hub.dal.net (6) Felis Catus
n13=genesis-r.uk.eu.dal.net (6) A time of innocence; A time of confidences
n14=borg.se.eu.dal.net (5) Assimilating the world.
n15=mozilla-r.se.eu.dal.net (5) Mozilla.
n16=renew.hub.dal.net (4) DALnet Hub Server
n17=oper-e.dal.net (5) Temporary Oper Shelter
n18=ithaca-s.ny.us.dal.net (5) There's no such thing as a winnable war
n19=acool.ga.us.dal.net (4) www.acool.net A Cool chatting experience!
n20=slimey-r.uk.eu.dal.net (3) Big Ben
Posted by vixen at August 21, 2003 07:17 AM
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i'm also having no luck getting in. i don't get to talk to you guys very often, and i'd like to email me please woolhat27@hotmail.com.
Hey vix.....I'm having no luck what so ever getting to #mc. I'm not sure if I'm doing anything wrong or what. I've even tried going to monkeeschat.com and joining the chat from there, but that doesnt even work for me. I'm at a loss. If you'd like just email me with suggestions or whatever :). My email....channita@hotmail.com
I'm having absolutely no luck getting on dal.net. Ah well *g*