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July 27, 2003
The Food-Nazis Strike Again
I'm not sure how many people have seen this yet, but it talks about how bad ice cream is for people. I just want to smack people like this and tell them to find something better to do with their time. People know that things like this are considered unhealthy as they contain a lot of fat and calories, but for many, it really makes no difference.
Anyway, the dumbasses behind this "study" put blame on the places who offer fattening foods for America's so-called "fat epidemic." I'm wondering when groups like this will finally start encouraging personal responsibility with their food choices. If they notice, McDonalds has started offering a variety of salads, as has Wendy's (and as a personal endorsement, the mandarin chicken salad at Wendy's is awesome), but as vix said to me, people are 'still packin' on the Big Macs.' It really isn't the fast food industry's fault as they DO NOT put the burger in your mouth. Hell, even the burgers could be "lightened up" so to speak just by asking that they don't put sauce or mayo on them (a BK Broiler...or "Chicken Whopper" now is actually not bad health-wise without the mayo, but how many people are asking that it be held?). One way or another, we are perfectly capable of of making healthier choices on our own; it's just that the general public isn't doing it.
That said, I have to say that I object to the idea that being overweight is treated as a disease. Some people are genuinely happy being overweight, and they enjoy themselves and their food choices greatly (I also do believe that genetics plays a role in how you carry weight. Yes, it is possible to eat relatively healthy and still be overweight). What about having that kind of healthy attitude? Isn't that just as important, if not moreso, to having a happy, fulfilling life? This type of attitude about being fat equaling being bad attributes lovingly to eating disorders such as bulemia and anorexia, as well as depression in striving to achieve that "perfect" model figure. The people who are referring to it as such have no idea how hard it is on a person to be treated as if they're diseased or deformed because they have extra weight on their bodies. For some, it really is difficult enough to live life overweight; they don't need extra pressure from everything from social magazines to the daily news. For some, that pressure manifests into the feeling of "needing" to eat more and having "comfort foods," so I'd say if we can blame fast food companies, we can also blame people like this, who say that obesity is a horrible disease, for driving people to seek comfort in a bucket of KFC.
Posted by ladyx at July 27, 2003 02:37 PM
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You don't even know which form of "your" should be used. You have no room to talk, my dear idiot.
Move along and pester someone else. I take it you must be one of those fatasses who are suing fast food companies just because you can't bring yourself to put the whopper down.
your a moron