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Anti-Bobby Flay Ring

Delirium (di lir` iem) n. a condition of the mind, as during insanity, in which one is restless and keeps thinking and talking wildly.
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April 22, 2003


The concept:
30 Women
30 Men
$30 (I think?) cover charge

Each man and woman talk to each other for 3 minutes, then they move on to the next. Personally, if I participated in "speed dating" as this is called, the conversations would go like this:

"Um, hi. I've come to the realization that I'm pretty goddamn desperate for a date. You probably don't want to date me anyway. You've got two minutes and thirty seconds left to get a drink, go to the restroom, any number of things. Thanks anyway."

Seriously, is this not one of the worst dating "schemes" to come along in quite some time? Feh.

(Random rant since it's been advertised on the radio for the past two weeks and has finally gotten on my nerves enough to prompt this post.)

Posted by bard at April 22, 2003 06:34 PM

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