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Delirium (di lir` iem) n. a condition of the mind, as during insanity, in which one is restless and keeps thinking and talking wildly.
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March 13, 2003

6:00 AM

It's 6:00 AM in Baghdad. People are probably just waking up and getting ready for work probably. The US is flying over, explosions are being heard. I can't even imagine waking up to a war. I can't imagine living in a war zone all my life.

People say, "It's so sad, our soldiers are just kids." I agree but their soldiers are just kids, some even younger. We're fighting in their country. All of their children are at risk. The ones that don't die will probably lose parents or relatives. Homes will be destroyed.

"But they should take care of him theirselves. If they don't fight him, they support him. They hate America, they deserve to die." I'm sick of that mentality too. It sounds easy. Just kill him. When you have sticks and he has a gun and troops that shoot your oldest son or neighbor in front of your eyes, you're not going to fight back. You're going to be scared.

If you've been told all your life that America is bad. It's America that makes you live in filth. It's America that killed your friends and family, you're going to hate America. Look at us! We hate our own people even. Blacks, gays, arabians...and we've been taught to hate Saddam and his supporters when many of them are just following along with what they've been force-fed all their lives. They don't hate us for no good reason. They hate us for what we've done or what they think we've done (and I'm sure we've done enough to be hated) or because it's just accepted. They hate us for the same reason the Southern white male child hates the blacks. His dad did. His father before him did. If you asked why he hated them, he'd probably say something dumb like, "N****** are stupid." while his dad applauded and said, "that's my boy." He has no real reason. He gets praise for it. If he said anything like, "That racist joke isn't funny." he'd get chastized. That doesn't make it right, mind you, but it does, in my mind, make it a little understandable. I can understand why those people hate us. It's propaganda in part, truth in another. I don't know what my point is, really.

It's not that I don't support the troops. I just don't think the war is right. I think it's personal and Bush should go over himself if he wants him dead so badly. The troops, however, are doing what their government tells them to do, their jobs. They are risking their lives for it. They didn't declare war. Some of them might not even agree with it. I know most of the military folks I know hate Saddam and want him dead but don't want the innocent people to die with him. I wish them all the luck in the world and I hope that the war is quick, painless and we suffer as few casualities as possible.

May god, whatever one you worship, be with you and your families.

Posted by vixen at March 13, 2003 07:52 PM

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