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May 16, 2002
Attack of the Clones
So, I was one of the *cough* "sheep" *cough* that went to see Star Wars: Episode II today.
I thought it was pretty good, for the most part. Some improvements over The Phantom Menace: Jar Jar is only around for 5-10 minutes at most (I wasn't exactly timing), Anakin is not some bumbling 4 year old who manages to accidentally save the universe. (And for that matter, Hayden Christiansen can actually act -- memo to Jake Lloyd: if you want to continue your career, develop some talent along the way). In addition, McGregor seemed more comfortable in his role as Obi-Wan. Visually, the CGI characters blended in far better as well; they weren't as obviously computer created as they were in TPM, though it was noticeable.
The love scenes basically were OK for Star Wars (read: writing was average at best, cliche ridden, etc) and Portman (Padme) & Christiansen (Skywalker) tried their best to salvage them.
The action scenes had great special effects -- lightsabers rock, and Mace Windu's purple one was cool -- though it was strange to see Yoda with a cane throughout the movie suddenly draw a light saber and start fighting.
The plot was decent, if not slightly predictable. It generally showed Anakin slowly moving to the dark side, what began the war/foundation of the empire, etc. Had some cool little tidbits, such as a young Boba Fett, etc.
All in all, I enjoyed it.
Posted by bard at May 16, 2002 10:55 PM
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