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January 14, 2002
Various Things
Various things to think/complain about.
Nothing is worse than listening to a radio station (Mix something or other) that plays 60's-today music, having them play decent older songs, and then suddenly play N'Suck.
'Lil note to my friends: Yes, I know you haven't seen each other in person for a couple months. But, when you do see each other, why discuss the online RPG you play together almost everyday??
To my other friend: You're whipped. Admit it. Move on.
Yo, ISP: I hate your service. Improve, damn you. And on a related note -- yo, potential ISP, get your act together and provide two-way cable modem service in my area already. You've only been promising it for the past two years.
Barn. Woo, you got new buildings. Damn, are they ugly. I prefered the rundown stuff better.
Me: Learn to bowl. You suck.
Posted by bard at January 14, 2002 10:24 PM
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