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December 21, 2001
Christmas, or "How Greedy Can I Be?"
Heh. I know Christmas is supposed to be about giving, visiting family, etc. But, hell, I just want to gloat about some of the stuff I got.
Nintendo GameCube w/ WaveRace, memory card, and extra controller
Gift cards to Borders and EB/EBX
"Pocket Full of Kryptonite" by the Spin Doctors
"Predator" staring none other than Ahh-nold Schwartzy.
Black towels/bedsheets/pillowcases. Oddly enough, heh.
And, uh, a letter opener? A book stand? And orange? Some pens? Heh. Not that I mind, most of those were stocking stuffers.
Anyway. Should I repent now, or wait until I'm closer to death?
The end?
If you clicked "more", you're a sucker. Ha! Consider it an early April Fool's joke. Or something.
Posted by bard at December 21, 2001 10:32 PM
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I feel soooo cheated. Everyone on id.com got a gamecube but me. I should go whine to my mom "Mommy, the people that I blog with got one!!!" but that would mean explaining what a "blog" is and probably giving her the URL so she could read it...I'll buy my own gamecube before I do that.
I just got grown up stuff. I wanna be a kid damnit!!
But, did you get a Red Rider air rifle?