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Delirium (di lir` iem) n. a condition of the mind, as during insanity, in which one is restless and keeps thinking and talking wildly.
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September 16, 2001

Random Drawings

Mommy Liberty

I like this drawing. If you like it too, visit her
Cafe Press Store
and support the artist's efforts. Donations will be made to charities.

The Tower
And for those who scoff at the Tarot, I've been drawing a single card everyday and recording for the past few months. I haven't done it this past week (for obvious reasons) but I drew one today (The Four of Swords which normally means you need a rest to recover emotionally or physically). I was entering it in my notebook and I noticed that last week I drew the Tower (on the 9th). I guess I didn't think much about it then. I wrote under the entry "sudden catastrophe : I assume this is because Amber is coming into town next week. Oh happy days.". My god. how silly my problems seem now. I've looked back through my notes and it's the only time I've ever drawn the tower. It's funny how the same cards keep coming up over and over again in my life. Suddenly I feel eerie. I don't want to play with these anymore.

Posted by vixen at September 16, 2001 06:52 PM

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