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Anti-Bobby Flay Ring

Delirium (di lir` iem) n. a condition of the mind, as during insanity, in which one is restless and keeps thinking and talking wildly.
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August 14, 2001

Now I know how the Newbies Feel...

I have this joke we play on newbies. Whenever they ask "How do you do . . ." I say "Just press ALT-F4 at the same time!" and normally they fall for it (I think I picked that trick up from Bard). If you don't know what it does, trust me!!! Do it. It's, like SOOO cool. You'll get all these pretty colors and a special movie and all that stuff. Just wait until after you read this rant.

Well, I'm having trouble with my DSL and I waited on hold for about 2 hours to get in touch with tech support. She was going through the normal stuff, turn off your computer, turn off your modem, etc. and then she said, "Ok, now I want you to unplug the phone cord to the modem from the wall jack." Dumb@ss me unplugs it, the cordless phone I'm on goes dead. I completely forgot they were on the same jack. I quickly plugged it back up, hoping tech support would still be there. Of course, she wasn't. Damn tech support person played a newbie trick on me.

This is karmic payback for that person I was mean to last night. I know it. I'm now waiting on hold...again.

Posted by vixen at August 14, 2001 06:10 PM

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Posted by: Bard at July 17, 2003 06:11 PM