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August 21, 2001
Dreams. Jail. Dreams of Jail.
Eh, I had a bad dream last night... I was in jail for two years. I don't even know why. For some reason, I had a fairly nice cell to myself (if you can call any jail cell "nice") -- I guess I had friends in high places -- but it still freaked me out. Then when I got out, I didn't know anybody. My "friends" didn't remember me, nor did my family. Eh. Now I'm tired, since I didn't get much sleep.
Posted by bard at August 21, 2001 10:36 PM
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mostly-narrative poem: this charming, airfare edgy, insistently intertextual and credit card finally heartbreaking sequence about ski vacation unlikely courtship, modern marriage, car rental divorce and "primordial eros and plane ticket strife." The 29 short chapters Carson hotel calls "Tangos" imagine and analyze, vacation package in jaggedly memorable verse, the