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June 01, 2001
Spam, spam, spam, spamity, spam, spam, spam, spamity...
I am *so* bloody sick and tired of spam. Sadly (and I beg you good people to not hold this against me...I swear it's not my fault), I have to use AOL [hangs head in shame] when I'm at home here because of the shortage of local ISP's and access numbers, and I have been getting spammed like there's no tomorrow. I don't even fucking go in their damn chat rooms or anything, and I'm *still* being bogged down with spam constantly. Of course, the majority of it is spam about "hot young teen cum sluts" with a few "enlarge your penis NOW!"'s thrown in there for good measure (seeing how I don't actually have a penis, it gets a little annoying). I'm tired of getting spammed by people named AmberLovesYou118, TeresaNKayla7952, jenny_leigh8@yahoo.com, and porn69@excite.com (yes those are their real ID's in case anybody wants to mailbomb them for me. It'd be much appreciated :P). Stupid porn-mongering perv bastards. I don't care if somebody is actually into porn and wants to get these letters, but for the rest of us who don't, leave us the fuck alone.
Posted by ladyx at June 1, 2001 12:54 AM
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