Inside Delirium

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Anti-Bobby Flay Ring

Delirium (di lir` iem) n. a condition of the mind, as during insanity, in which one is restless and keeps thinking and talking wildly.
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June 12, 2001 - Don't shop there

I had a rant about explaining why they suck and why, if you want used books, you should shop at instead. However, my computer crashed and it wasn't saved. So, I'll just say: SUCKS. Don't shop there. merchants are much nicer and more reliable.

Maybe customer support will email me back my letter to them, which was basically my rant without the humor (my sad excuse for humor anyway). Damn, they piss me off. $10 down the drain...bloody bastards.

Posted by vixen at June 12, 2001 07:20 AM

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Posted by: crazymad at November 20, 2004 01:01 AM Posted by: Jim Rex at November 15, 2004 02:46 PM