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Delirium (di lir` iem) n. a condition of the mind, as during insanity, in which one is restless and keeps thinking and talking wildly.
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June 01, 2001

David Blah!

Why is America obsessed with David Blaine? I admit, I think he’s cute (dumb as a post, but nice to look at) and I find his magic interesting. I’m also happy to have something to watch besides the election returns (THANK GOD) but is he really important enough to be shown on television every hour just because the idiot froze himself in some ice?
People call him a great magician and a "master like Houdini". Perhaps he is. I think not. During the last few days I’ve been exposed to a million interviews with him and not once have I seen him say anything remotely intelligent! He speaks as if the oxygen was deprived from his brain in his last stunt (you remember, he buried himself in a coffin). I’ve read a bit about Houdini and I think that he could at least tie his shoes and answer a simple question. I think maybe David is doing all these stunts, not because he’s good, but because he’s too stupid to do otherwise.|*||*|I guess it's money in his pocket (and this kind of rant is just what he wants, publicity. I’m all for giving cute guys what they want {wink wink}). Although, I think that if were David Blaine, I’d be scared to freeze the last brain cells I had left. Again, I’ll admit I watched the last special/stunt and thought, “that’s kinda cool”. Today, I don’t really care. I don’t want to see his stupid ice-sculpture of a body on television every morning; I don’t want to hear about his amazing talents. He’s no better than a used car salesman trying gimmick advertising. Nothing amazing there. The only amazing thing is that he's still alive (or at least he is as I am posting this, I just saw an update "Live" from wherever the hell he is).|*||*|I know I am looking forward to another street magic show with some “blaintly” obvious tricks (Some weren’t blatantly obvious, but some were. Even my dog could figure them out.) Sit down by the tv, get your remotes ready, the popcorn and the ice cold Coke (and hey, who needs an icemaker when you got a chunk of Blaine lying aroung)?

Posted by vixen at June 1, 2001 06:53 AM

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