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May 05, 2001
If vix wants happy...
I found a really fun website earlier this morning--the Sex Offender Database! Woo! Now, you and your friends can spend hours of slap-happy fun looking up people in your area to see if they're actually a *registered* pervert! Find friends, enemies, your long-time high school sweetheart, that weird neighbor who always hands out lollipops to twelve year old girls on the street corner, practically anybody! Ask our satisfied customer:
"When I originally found the sexual offender database, I was looking up a man that asked a friend of mine out on a date. I couldn't find him, but I did find a guy that I went to high school with!"--LadyX
Fun at parties, a barrel of laughs at family reunions, and a great ice-breaker for a first date! Don't let the opportunity pass you by...click now, and let the fun begin!
Posted by ladyx at May 5, 2001 12:59 AM
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My state isn't listed...must be because there are to many pervs here to list. They don't want to crash their database.
I guess it'll just be a surprise to find out if that next freak who asks me out is a registered perv or just beginning his career.