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May 04, 2001
Cripes... I haven't been here in a while.
Obviously, this is the first post of mine in a very long time. I guess I haven't had that much to write about -- today is the first time I've even loaded the page since the new design. Which, although somewhat slow on my connection (not the design's fault -- there aren't a zillion pictures or flash intro's or anything), looks very snazzy. Good job Vix!
I guess the main thing that's going on in my "life" (or lack thereof) is that my parents are pressuring me to enroll in a college. Mainly because our insurance plan requires that I be a full-time student for coverage... Oh, and I don't think they want me to be a freeloading bum either.
I'd like to go to college, but just don't feel ready. Really, I've never liked being forced into something. They tried it with piano lessons, they tried it with cubscouts, they tried it with swimming lessons (before I was eager -- I have since learned how to swim), they tried it with the church chorus -- all of which I've detested and failed at. I'm just afraid that if I feel forced into college at this point in time, I'd hate it and thusly not succeed.
Oh well. Hopefully, I'll develop more of a social life in the meantime... then I can actually begin to post something worthwhile. Eh.
Posted by bard at May 4, 2001 09:43 PM
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You should ask your current insurance provider about COBRA coverage too. If you don't know that. After your coverage expires they are supposed to let you pay for coverage (expensive)...ok, enough insurance advice from me.
Thanks. you didn't miss much. I just redesigned the page a few days before you posted.
Maybe if you got a job your parents wouldn't mind. You can get benefits there (and then when you start college you can get benefits through them).