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Delirium (di lir` iem) n. a condition of the mind, as during insanity, in which one is restless and keeps thinking and talking wildly.
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May 05, 2001

College Gal: A Parody

I noticed that lately this place is becoming even more depressed and down than usual. I also noticed that I haven't posted a parody in quite a while. Do I hear you saying, "Could that be because your parodies suck vix?" Well, yes it is. However, they are better than suicidal "waa, pity me" thoughts (especially from me. My life is great compared to some. No, I'm not referencing my collaborators. I am aware that some people have real problems that are far worse than what the 3 of us gripe about). The real reason that I haven't written any parodies is because it's hard to find something to parody that everyone has heard. I've been told by some idiot on Bagism that the Beatles are more well known than Jesus Christ, so here you go.

In the spirit of my past offerings The Election and 'Twas The Week After Christmas and to the tune of "Nowhere Man", I present to you "College Gal" (please hold applause until the end of the song).

College Gal
(sung to the tune of the Beatles Nowhere Man)
She's a real College Gal
Sitting with her College pals
Failing all her college courses;
Delaying real life.
Doesn't have a backup goal
Where's she's going to, we don't know
isn't that a bit pathetic to see?
College Gal, please listen
You can't afford to waste tuition
College Gal, don't fool yourself. You have no real plans.

You're as dumb as you can be
Can't get past that chemistry.
College Gal, are you awake at all?
College Gal, you're screwed.
Loafing won't pay the bills that's due
Being a professional student until you're 32
isn't a "plan".

Doesn't have a backup goal
Where's she's going to, we don't know
isn't that a bit pathetic to see?
College Gal, please listen
You can't afford your tuition
College Gal, don't fool yourself. You have no real plans.

She's a real College Gal
Sitting with her college pals
Failling all her College courses;
delaying real life.
Failling all her College courses;
delaying real life.
Failling all her College courses
delaying real life.

Hmm, well, now that I read it, it really *isn't* that happy and upbeat. Oh well.

Posted by vixen at May 5, 2001 07:51 AM

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Posted by: Chris at July 16, 2003 07:52 AM Posted by: LadyX at July 16, 2003 07:51 AM