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Delirium (di lir` iem) n. a condition of the mind, as during insanity, in which one is restless and keeps thinking and talking wildly.
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April 10, 2001

Happy Easter

Paganism is fun!Today I was told that I shouldn't celebrate Easter because I'm not a good Christian. Well, that is a given since I'm not a Christian at all. However, I don't see why that should keep me from making a basket for a friend and pelting people with Pagan symbols (i.e. marshmallow chicks). What's all that Christian about any of that anyway? I got a huge lecture from a Bible pusher just because I said "What's so good about Friday? Jesus was murdered, woohoo. Give me a break."
Now, even if I were Christian, I would have a problem with the name "Good Friday." Yeah, I know it's a good day for the religion as a whole because the entire religion is, basically, based on Easter, the day Jesus proved he was the savior. However, I think compassion would keep me from calling it "good" that any man was hammered to a cross and left to rot. Perhaps "Holy Friday" would be a better name. IMHO, it's far from good.

Anyway, I just like dying eggs and making bunny cookies. I don't need to hear about the religiousness of the whole thing. I know what it means and why we celebrate and I don't give a damn. It's funny that these same Christians who lecture me take their kids to get photos with the Easter bunny and buy their children little candy chicks. I've never once seen someone have their photo taken chained to a Easter cross (which I think would be fitting for the holiday) or chow down on some "Jesus last meal" flat bread or something. Instead we eat ham and gorge on chocolate. To me, Easter like most holidays, isn't really even Christian anymore.

So anyone who wants to call me pagan scum, you better check your house for Easter eggs, bunnies, chickens, Easter grass and baskets because you're taking my Pagan rituals baby and I don't like it.

Posted by vixen at April 10, 2001 07:53 AM

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