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Anti-Bobby Flay Ring

Delirium (di lir` iem) n. a condition of the mind, as during insanity, in which one is restless and keeps thinking and talking wildly.
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February 22, 2001

Online Rating Systems

Personally, I've always hated those on-line ratings systems (like the top 10 porn sites or whatever). Granted, it's a good place to find great porn. They are basically like the Grammys, people are rewarded for big breasts and not content (in a metaphorical sense of course). However, some people take them very (too) seriously. Take your old-fashioned Warez webmaster. He probably sits (or has a script to) and votes for his site every 5 seconds. Really folks, is it worth that much time and effort? Do you really want to let the world know you take yourself that seriously? Personally, I think only an idiot would put so much stock into something that is basically a contest of who has the most IP addresses. Still, it's nice when you're on top, no matter who can't resist the urge to stay ahead of you.

Posted by vixen at February 22, 2001 07:23 AM

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