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February 15, 2001
Napster is [Almost] Dead
Ding dong, the file sharing protocol is dead. The days of getting free MP3s from Napster might be over soon. Waaa. I love Napster. It's not because I like pirated music (although, I do like previewing CDs as much as the next gal). It's because I like to have music on my computer and I'm too lazy to make my own MP3s. I have about 30 MP3s on my computer now that I got from Napster. I probably have the cds that 20 of them came off from. I just want to listen to random mixes while browsing rather than a whole cd (there aren't many cds I can listen too all the way through). Thank goodness for Gnutella (Newtella to be exact). Seems like they've dumbed it down which is good for everyone involved. Means more free MP3s for all. Why can't the recording industry just embrace digital music? Get over yourselves. It's not the artists who are losing out, it's the recording industry and I for one don't give a damn if they lose money.
Posted by vixen at February 15, 2001 08:01 AM
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